Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Not-so Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I am sure most of you are wondering how I have time to blog on this Thanksgiving holiday.  Well, it's because I have two sick babies and we aren't getting to participate in any of our normal Thanksgiving festivities!  Yesterday afternoon when Emma got up from her nap she was fine.  About an hour all went down hill.  She came to me crying saying she needed some medicine.  I figured her nose must be running because we have been battling that for several weeks.  I thank mother nature for that one! :)  So, I got her some medicine and not even 5 minutes later she was telling me she was about to throw-up.  So, we ran to the bathroom and she did.  So, she laid on the couch while we ate supper and tried to keep Evan away from her.  We had already gotten our Christmas decorations down so we did start decorating the tree and she got up to help with that.   Justin took Evan and went to my moms to get some ginger ale for Emma to drink.  As soon as they got back, Evan was crying saying his stomach hurt and within a few seconds he was throwing up too.  On the bright side...if there was any to this situation...we didn't have to try to keep Evan away from Emma anymore in hopes of him not catching it. you know how difficult it is to deal with two kids throwing up at the same time??  Let me just tell you,,,it isn't fun!  I had Emma over the sink and Justin had Evan in the bath tub!  We rock as a parenting team and I am so thankful for his help!  So, that's about how our evening and night went!  Up and down with sick babies.  I made them a pallet on our floor right outside the bathroom.  Evan woke up at 5:15 this morning and didn't go back to sleep.  Thank goodness for Netflix and 106 Curious George episodes!!  That kept him occupied while Justin and I slept a little longer.  They both seem to be better this morning.  They have eaten and kept everything down.  And they actually wanted to take a they are just tired.  It breaks my heart to see them sick.  However it makes me so thankful that other than your typical virus or sinus infection that they are healthy kids.  We take that for granted so often.  I can't imagine how parents deal with a child that has a serious illness or something that isn't temporary!  So, our Thanksgiving plans may have been ruined but in the whole scheme of will be okay! Our good health will return and my mom is sending us some plates for supper.  We will miss out on the family fellowship but not on her good cooking!!  And I still have plans for a little Black Friday shopping!  Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and be sure to Thank God for your good health!
We did make some cute little treats for our teachers at school on Tuesday night.  We also made some for our families!  

Emma wanted to help with the decorating!

Evan had to get a little help from momma!  He wanted to hand every ornament on the same branch!  But he didn't mind me telling him to move a few! :)

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