Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Our first boo boo's ...

Okay, so a couple weeks ago, I was in our bedroom and heard this loud crash.  Of course, I went running into the kitchen to find Justin scooping Evan up.  Justin was supposed to be watching them...but instead he had gotten interested in a golf tournament on TV and had taken his eyes off our two little munchkins.  Anytime without supervision is a disaster waiting to happen with these two!  Evan had grabbed the table runner on my table and pulled on it, causing one of the glass plates to fall off and shatter everywhere.  Then him and Emma proceeded to run through it trying to get to Justin because the loud noise scared them to death.  Of course Evan's foot was bleeding and we later realized Emma's was too.  So, Justin ran over to the sink and started washing it off while I went to get peroxide, Neosporin, & band aids.  In little to no time they were all bandaged up and playing again.  Let me add...that this ended up being my fault because I had the table runner on the table in the first place.  It wasn't the fact that Justin was too interested in the TV.  I can say all this because he never reads my blog!! :) Well, I came home from work tonight and as I walked in the door Justin is screaming at me that Evan burned himself.  I was on the phone with momma so I immediately hung up on her and ran to grab something to put on the burn.  All I could find was aloe...but I thought that had to be better than nothing.  We put that on and called the doctor to see what she thought we needed to do.  Justin had the oven on warming up because he was cooking supper (I have to give him credit because he had been helping out tremendously lately). The outside of our oven doesn't get hot but apparently the drawer underneath gets very hot.  Evan was pulling out one of my pans and stuck his arm up against it and burned himself pretty good.  Dr. Fuqua told us to just get some over the counter burn cream and to wrap it up and if it looked worse tomorrow to bring him in.  So, we jumped in the car and ran to town.  We got some cream and bandaged him all up.  The skin was already peeling off when we started doctoring on it.  Hopefully it won't hurt him too bad.  It only takes a few seconds for things to happen.  Although it could have been much worse...I think my little fella is going to be just fine.  He's a tough cookie!! I am proud that I handled both of these situations pretty calmly!  Yay for me!! :)  Happy Tuesday!!


  1. I'm not sure I would have been as calm about the burn as you were! Sometimes I over react, but I guess you have to be pretty laid back with two! :) Hope it is not too bad in the morning.

  2. It was very unlike me because I always over react! :)
