Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Learning Express"- A New Adventure

As I mentioned in my last post...Emma & Evan started Learning Express this past Monday. This was a day I had been dreading. I am not a fan of leaving my babies with people I know, much less people I don't know. We went to orientation on the Thursday before and met their teacher, Mrs. Linda. She really did seem like she already loved E&E but I was still a nervous momma. So, Monday came and as you recall Justin is out of town for work and we have been braving it on our own. So Sunday night...I packed their bags and laid our their clothes as well as my clothes so that ordeal of what to wear Monday morning was taken care of. We all got in the bed early. E&E always go to bed early but I have been taking advantage of Justin being gone to go to bed early too. I got up and got myself ready. My mom came by to help me get the babies ready. We fed them and dressed them and it was time to leave. Meg had offered to help me get the babies inside every morning. Since she was waiting on us I didn't want to be late. We left at 7:40 which should have been plenty of time to get to South Main. We got stuck in traffic at the intersection of Marshall Road and New Market street so I decided them...we needed a new route in the mornings. We finally arrived at South Main and Meg was waiting to help get us inside. We went into the baby room and the lady in there took Emma and sat her down on the floor where another child was playing. The teacher pushed the toy that other child was playing with and it made this loud noise which caused Emma to start crying. She doesn't like loud noises. By this time, the other teacher had taken Evan from me. I quickly kissed Evan bye and left. I couldn't stand to stay there and watch my sweet pea cry. I immediately called Justin and told him I wasn' leaving them there again. Right after that Jillian sent me a picture of Emma and she was fine. She continued to update me throughout the morning. That was our only little problem with Day 1. Day 2 went much better. When we got there...they took Evan and sat him on the floor. He started playing away. Then, they took Emma. I had already kissed Evan so I kissed her and she was fine. Again Jillian sent me pictures and text throughout the day letting me know E&E were doing fine! Here are the pictures from our morning photo shoot the first day.
Emma's ready for her 1st day!

My sweet peas!!

Evan is real excited about his first day!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A whole lot of "FIRSTS"

This post is all about our "first" that are taking place this weekend and the week to come!  First and most important Evan got his first tooth today!!  I have known it was coming for a while now...but it finally broke through the skin this morning.  He started drooling like crazy at 3 months and 6 months's finally here!  Our second first of the weekend is that mommy and babies are tackling staying at home by ourselves!  I have NEVER stayed by myself and I am braving it this week with 2 babies!!  I should get a supermom award!  Justin had to go out of town for work yet AGAIN and instead of disrupting mama & papa's whole week..we thought we would try to be brave and stay by ourselves.  I am more than ready for Justin to start his new job (Sept. 17th) so trips will be no more, over time will be no more...and he will FINALLY be able to spend time with us and doing things he wants to do rather than working his life away!  He is a great dad who always does whatever he needs to provide for us!!  The 3rd first is that Emma & Evan start Learning Express tomorrow.  There will be another post on that subject coming soon with our first day pictures!  For now...I am going to bed and try to not think about Justin not being here!  I am a big girl...and we GOT this!! :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

9 months and growing...

Today marks 9 months for Emma & Evan!  These past nine months have flown by!  I am excited to see the new things E&E are doing everyday but it also reminds me that they aren't babies anymore!  They are turning into toddlers.  Emma is pulling up on everything she can gets her hands on.  She actually thinks she can once she pulls up...she just lets go and of course falls.  It won't be long before she is walking.  Evan is starting to take interest in pulling up on things. He hasn't been successful yet but he's getting close!  Evan has now mastered the army crawl!  He wiggles & pushes himself across the floor and can manage to get what ever he wants!!  We went to Costco today to buy new cars seats! is already that time!  I really wish I had known about these car seats to begin with.  They grow with the baby.  They start as the rear facing seat, then go to the front facing seat, then turn into a booster seat.  What a great deal!!  Well, it would be if you were only buying 1 but since we were buying was QUITE expensive.  We also played referree all day long.  Evan thought it was a good idea to pull Emma's hairbow out.  Yes, she can FINALLY wear hairbows.  Granted the hairbow is only hanging on by a couple strands of hair but it is in there!  She didn't seem to even realize it was there but Evan could see it and was determined he was going to pull it out.  So, needless to say the hairbow didn't last long!  Then since the hairbow was gone...Evan thought he would take Emma's paci right out of her he sucked on his own paci.  Of course he ended up scratching her and she started screaming.  I just hope this isn't the beginning of our fighting days.  They are WAY too young for that already!  On to the 9 month update...Evan is now 22 lbs.  He is 27 inches long, so that puts him in the 80% for weight, 40% height, and 90% for his head.  I knew he was going to be a smart kid!!  He is right on track developmentally.  They are not eating near what they should be in terms of amounts.  They love all kinds of baby food...they just need to be eating LOTS more of it.  We are working on it though.  On to Emma.  She weighs 19 lbs and is 26 inches long.  That put her in the 30% for weight, 40% for height, & 80% for her head.  I always thought she had a small head...but according to the doctor's charts...she up there too!!  She is also doing everything developmentally that she should be!  She too isn't eating near enough!  This coming Monday starts a new adventure for Emma & Evan.  They will be starting Learning Express, the preschool/nursery at South Main.  I have mixed emotions about this.  I am anxious for them to interact with other kids but I am not thrilled about leaving my babies with complete strangers.  We had orientation last night and got to meet Mrs. Linda who will be their teacher.  She does seem like the nicest lady and I am sure she will love E&E as much as we do..but it's not the same as Janice & my mom!!  I will be sure to post pictures of their first day and let you know how that goes!  Until next are our 9 month pictures. 



Saturday, August 11, 2012

Where has the time gone...

This post comes way too late!! I can't believe it has already been 8 months and I haven't blogged once.  That is because two babies have CONSUMED my life and every bit of spare time that I have.  It perfetly okay though because I wouldn't have it any other way.  So, what have we been up to these past 8 months???   Well, I'll start with Evan.  He now weighs over 20 pounds and we often refer to him as our little chunky monkey.  He has such a fun but lazy personality.  He constantly keeps us lauging with his crazy faces.  He knows how to entertain!!  He still isn't crawling but he has finally started making an attempt to get on his hands and knees.  Why crawl when you can just lay there until someone picks you up??  I think that is lazy Evan's mentality.  He loves to eat and really isn't a picky child.  Now if he isn't might as well not try to feed him but otherwise...he is a good eater.  He is drinking 7oz of formula at a time now.  Still no teeth!!  I am really starting to wonder if they are in there.  He started drooling like crazy around 3 months so I just knew they would come in soon.  WRONG!!!  Here it is 5 months later and still nothing.  He was sleeping through the night but for the past month or so...he cries out several times a night which is why his daddy & I are sleeping in the guest bedroom.  I'm not sure if we will ever get back into our own bed or not.  It's least they aren't in our bedroom anymore!  They slept in a co-sleep until they were almost 7 months old...which isn't a good idea...but this momma didn't want to part with them until then.  And it was still hard then!!  Evan is such a good baby who can sit, play, & entertain himself. He is becoming a momma's boy and nothing makes me happier!!  On to Emma...She now weighs a little over 17 pounds and still a small/petite little things.  She is definitely going to keep us on our toes.  She has a very curious and rather nosey personality that doesn't allow her to ever be still.  She is constantly moving!!  Since she is now CRAWLING...that has only helped her ability to explore!!  She is the reason we now have baby gates and will soon be getting locks on cabinets.  I can see her now pulling everything out of our cabinets...but considering my parents say I was the same way...she gets it honest!  It's hard to be mad at her for something she got from me! :)  She is the sweetest thing ever!  Very rarely does she not have a smile on her face.  It is a smile that will melt your heart too...just ask her daddy and grandpa...who she already has wrapped around her little finger!!  Emma has turned into a good little eater also.  At first she struggled a lot and practically ate every meal twice because it took her a while to realize her tounge was pushing all the food back out!  We overcame that obstacle and she eats better than Evan now.  I shouldn't say better...just quicker!  Again that is because there are lots of other things she could be doing instead of sitting in the high chair eating!  She still has no teeth either.  We're still hoping sometime soon though.  That is a good litle update of the babies.  I could go on and on...but who has the time??  We have truley been blessed with two very good babies.  I knew that having two babies would be difficult and trust me there were times I wasn't sure I could do this...but we really have no room to complain about our babies.  They are two perfect little miracles that we would trade for anything in this world.  So until next time...I will be washing bottles, clothes, keeping up with Emma and trying to encourage Evan to move!!  Hopefully it won't be as long before my next post!!