Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Week 36

Today starts weeks 36!!  I can't believe we still don't have any babies!!  Since week 25, I have worried and worried that they would come too early and have to go to the NICU and here we are 11 weeks later and the babies don't have any desire to come out!!  I had my weekly appointment with Dr. Forrest yesterday.  She also couldn't believe I was still pregnant.  She actually said "We have done a good job keeping you pregnant this long!"  If we make it to 37 weeks...they will be considered full-term.  I think for the most part all their organs should be developed by now.  The last thing to develop is their lungs and with all the steroid shots I have gotten...their lungs should be good to go!!  Plus...if they are gaining weight like they should, they should weigh about 6 lbs now.  That is 12 pounds of baby and since I have now gained 20 lbs...they are still the majority of that weight gain!!  Dr. Forrest checked me today to see if I had dilated any.  She said I hadn't and that the only thing keeping me from dilating is the fact that I had the LEEP back in 2007 and it created scar tissue that is keeping my cervix closed.  I think she could tell I was a little disappointed that even with getting up last week that nothing had changed.  She changed her mind and said I might be dilated 1 cm or a fingertip!!  I think she was just trying to make me feel better!! I am no longer taking my Procartia for contractions.  I guess they don't need to control them anymore.  I feel like I am having them all the time but they still aren't very strong.  Dr. Forrest wants me to have another ultrasound next Tuesday to check their growth one more time before the section...if I am still pregnant next Tuesday.  I can pretty much guarantee I will still be pregnant.  Then I will get to see Dr. Forrest afterwards.  This will be my last regular appointment before the babies are born.  IF I am still pregnant the following week...I will have my c-section on the 29th of November.  I will have to go to the Diagnostic Center on the 28th, which is Monday, for my pre-op and they will tell me what time to be at the hospital on Tuesday.  On the other hand...I had the strangest thing happen to me last night.  I was laying in the bed and praying for the babies because they hadn't really be moving that much.  I have been really worried about that because it their movement decreases it could be that something is wrong.  So, as I laid there praying that my sweet babies were okay, I distinctly heard a voice say "tonight at 8:00".  I am not really sure what this means...but all I can think is that these babies are going to be born tonight at 8:00.  That thought really SCARES me.  It may have nothing to do with the babies but it was really weird.  I immediately woke Justin up and told him what had happened just in case they do come tonight...I wanted him to know what happened!!  So, we are just patiently waiting to see what happens and on the arrival of out little miracles.  We are so ready to meet them.  I am ready for the whole labor part to be over with and to be able to hold our babies and not have to worry about them as much anymore.  I know my worrying is just beginning but it will be a different kind of worrying!!  I will be able to hold them and know they are alive and well!!  While they are still inside me, I can't tell what is going on with them!!  So, unless something changes between now and next Tuesday...I will be updating next week.  If Emma & Evan decided to make their appearance sooner...I will be sure to post sooner!!  Until next time...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Week 35

Well, we made it to 35 weeks!!  I had my weekly appointment this afternoon with Dr. Carter.  He was very impressed that I was still pregnant!!  He said I have done really good and that if he were me he would be getting up now.  So, I don't have to lay down all the time anymore.  If the babies were to come now...the should be just fine.  I still haven't dilated any but my cervix is very thin.  I feel like as soon as I do start getting up some it won't be long before they come.  He also stopped the home monitor for contractions.  The purpose of this was to keep me from going into labor early but if I were to go into labor now...they wouldn't stop it so the monitoring was really pointless.  We are scheduling my section for either Nov. 29th or Dec. 1st because those are the two days in week 38 that Dr. Forrest is working.  They don't really think I will go that far, but it will definitely give me an end date to look forward too.  We will definitley know which day tomorrow.  Dec. 1st would be cool since that was Grammy's birthday but I am hoping we don't go that far.  I am really hoping they come next Friday so they will be home for Thanksgiving. Whenever they want to come will be fine..but if I could choose next Friday will be great!!  My next appointment is on Tuesday of next week with Dr. Forrest at 3:40.  They wanted me to schedule my appointment with her since she will be the one doing my section if we make it to the scheduled date.  Unless something happens before then, I will post more next week after our appointment.  We have all our bags packed and ready to go.  We are just waiting for Emma & Evan to make their appearance!! 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Week 34

As for week's almost gone & still no babies!!  We are doing awesome!!  We went for our growth ultrasound last Wednesday.  Evan weighed 5lb 9oz & Emma weighed 5lb 4oz.  That was great news because if they weigh at least 5 lbs and can breathe on their own...that will mean no NICU!!!  That has been one of the main things we have been praying for.  Along with two healthy babies and a safe delivery.  On the ultrasound you could Emma was practicing breathing which is a good sign that her lungs are developing.  They may not be full mature just yet, but she will probably be able to breathe on her own.  Evan wasn't doing very much this time other than covering his face with his hands!  He didn't want us messing with him apparently!!  Also, the ultrasound lady pointed out to us that Emma has hair.  I was so excited because I already have her LOTs of hairbows and I may get to use them sooner rather than later!!  I saw Dr. Beaudrot after the ultrasound and he said both babies looked great.  I was supposed to schedule my c-section but the lady was already gone for the day since our appointment was so late.  He told me to call back the next day and they would schedule it.  I called on Friday and the lady was supposed to check with Dr. Forrest today and call me.  Since I still haven't heard from looks like I may be asking again at my appoinment on Wednesday.  We did have to go to the hospital on Sunday.  Saturday night when I monitored I hade 14 contractions the first hour.  I had to remonitor and only had 4 the second hour.  Then Sunday morning, I had 7 contractions the first hour, 9 contractions the second hour, and 4 the third hour.  My Alere nurse called and Dr. Erickson was on call again.  He thought I needed to come in and  be checked.  So to the hospital we go!!  They hooked me up to the monitors and I wasn't really having any contractions.  He did check me and I still haven't dilated any so they sent me home.  Like I said before, we have another appointment on Wednesday with Dr. Carter.  I will keep you posted on how that goes.  I am hoping the babies come this Friday so their birthday will be 11-11-11.  I doubt that will happen but it would be a cool we would hopefully be home before Thanksgiving!!  We will see though!